Sunday, November 21, 2010

Winter Golf - 겨울골프 Survival Tips

 Winter Golf  - 겨울골프 Survival Tips

날씨가 안좋으면, 골프 안치면 되는데... 약속이 생겼다면, 어쩔수 없다면 준비를 단단히 하는게 부상방지 및 즐기는 첫번때 요건이 된다.

1) 50F (10C) 이하 기온미만이면 무조건 따뜻하게 입는다.

뚜꺼운 패딩을 입으면 스윙이 어려우니, 얇은 기능성 wear를 여러개 입고, 온도에 따라 조절.

야외에서 5시간이면 온도가 계속 변합니다.

2) Warming Up  을 충분히 - 스트레칭, 워밍업. 최소 30분

3) Winter Golf Rule - Preferred Lies 적용

   >> 춥고, 비오는날은 Winter or Rainy day rule을 적용하여 Preferred lie 에서 친다.

4) Walk Instead of Ride 가능한한 많이 걷는다.

Golf Clothing Layering Guide

Layer 1: The “Base Layer”

Layer 2: The “Mid Layer”

The mid layer plays a key role in thermal regulation depending on the conditions.

Layer 3: The “Outer Layer”

The Outer Layer is the weather protective layer and is designed to provide golfers with maximum protection against rain and wind.

Mix And Match For Different Conditions

So hopefully you understand that the concept of layering is to a combination of suitable garments dependent on the external combinations.Here are some common scenarios you are likely to face on the golf course and our layering solutions:

Cold and Rainy

  • Full body compression base layer
  • Warm thermally insulated mid layer
  • Goretex outer layer (including trousers and hat)

Cold and Windy

  • Full body compression base layer
  • Warm thermally insulated mid layer
  • Windproof outer layer and trousers

Warm and Rainy

  • Lightweight skintight base layer
  • Breatheable golf shirt
  • Light outer shell and trousers if required

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